Every aspect of our lives is being modernized: we speak and type to our friends on smartphones, our cars parallel park themselves and pull XM radio signals from across the globe, and we often don’t even have to speak to another person to receive our meals at fast food restaurants. The modernization of the traditional home is the next frontier—here are a few interesting tips that will trick your family members into thinking that they live in a science fiction novel.
Timers, Timers, Timers
One of the easiest ways to modernize your home is to put every appliance that you can think of on a timer. In this way, you can actually control the lights, heat, air conditioning and locks in your home from your personal phone. Timers are very simple in nature, but they are capable of doing great things for your family. Imagine never having to wonder if you left the left burner on, or being able to automate lighting fixtures to give the impression that you are home and not on vacation. The possibilities are endless.
Get a Computerized Personal Assistant
More and more companies are coming out with personal assistant devices with voice-activated technology that essentially are more advanced versions of Apple’s Siri program. Home assistant programs can record television shows for you, look up recipe alterations on the fly, and look up numbers and make calls at the utterance of a sentence. As models advance, companies are also beginning to offer updates to existing models so that they stay on the cutting edge and do not face irrelevance every two years.
Buy Energy Efficient Appliances
Homes of the future are progressive in many ways, but one path forward on progressive ideals that is often overlooked is purchasing energy efficient refrigerators, stoves and dryers. Energy Star ratings and detailed environmental rankings are widely available for homeowners that want to save money and resources.
Integrated appliance systems are also available, so that your house can function smoothly while looking ultra-sleek. You can also connect smart appliances to an integrated smart home system, allowing you to remotely access all of these appliances. A professional with a master’s in electrical engineering can help you appraise your current home to see if your electrical system needs an upgrade before you implement a smart home system.
Introduce a Smart Locking System
There are systems from companies that allow homeowners to permit friends and family into their homes from anywhere—without using an actual key. Electronic locking systems are the best way to avoid robberies and break-ins, yet also maintain an open door policy toward loved ones.
The future is here in many senses, and our homes should reflect that. Uptake of automated systems, virtual personal assistants and energy efficiency will be the standards by which homes are judged in 20 years—why not start the revolution in your own home now?
This guest post is written by Anica Oaks, a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with her here.